Friday, August 28, 2009

SLS OPS Meeting Show & Tell

Today, from 11am-12pm, Louise and I presented during the Student Learning Support (SLS) OPS meeting held in Room S113. The presentation was focussed on background information on the project, upcoming events and in particular the study skills module that has been repurposed and currently piloted. The tutors were encouraged to use the resource for their EL001 classes as well as the drop-in sessions and plans were already abuzz during the presentation of how they will fully utilise this resource. We certainly look forward to the feedback on this.


Helen Lentell said...

Looking forward to seeing and hearing about the study skills resources and how you use them.
Take care Helen

Alanieta Lesuma-Fatiaki said...

Bula Helen,

Great to hear from you. We will definitely keep everyone informed through this blog. If you have not already seen it, you can access this on the web:

cheers, ala.