This blog is managed by Louise Vakamocea and Alanieta Lesuma-Fatiaki of the University of the South Pacific, Laucala Campus, Suva, Fiji. It is meant to account for all the experiences that they encounter in their involvement in the SideCap Project.
The SideCap Project is a European Union (EU) funded project as part of its ACP-EU Cooperation Programme in Higher Education(EDULINK). SideCap stands forStaff Improvement in distance education for Carribean, African and Pacific universities.There are 5 institutions involved in this project namely the Open University, UK (OU), University of the Highlands and Islands Millenium Institute (UHI), Scotland, University of Mauritius (UM), University of the West Indies, Trindad & Tobago (UWI) and The University of the South Pacific (USP).
The overall objective of the project is to: provide'learn by doing' opportunities for academic and other staffing in order to improve the quality of teaching, support and technology implementation for distance education at established universities in all three ACP areas.
Its specific objective is to: repurpose existing Open Content teaching material and adapt it to local contexts using appropriate technologies.
The project activities will include workshops, reports, course materials, quality assurance documents and an interactive network. Project meetings will be held in all partner countries beginning with a kick-off meeting in Milton Keynes on 12 May 2008. The project will be for a duration of 32 months.
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