Today at 11am, we made a presentation to the Vice Chancellor , Professor Rajesh Chandra, Michael Gregory from the Planning and Development office and Helen Lentell, Director of CFDL on the SideCAP project and its current progress. We felt a sense of relief at the end of the presentation that we have been able to share our experiences with the VC and also highlight the significant benefits our university will derive from such a project.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Post Mauritius Workshop - presentation
Today at 11am, we made a presentation to the Vice Chancellor , Professor Rajesh Chandra, Michael Gregory from the Planning and Development office and Helen Lentell, Director of CFDL on the SideCAP project and its current progress. We felt a sense of relief at the end of the presentation that we have been able to share our experiences with the VC and also highlight the significant benefits our university will derive from such a project.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Post Mauritius Workshop - report compilation
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Blog updates delay
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Sister Jocel
Bonjour Mauritius!!
On board Air Mauritius
We had an unusual experience on Air Mauritius. A passenger sitting beside us coming all the way from Bangladesh, was not feeling too well - had a bout of air sickness and we had to put on our nursing hats. Flight was about 6hours in duration and we were just counting the seconds to touch down in Mauritius.
Sights of KLIA
We thought we'd show you some sights of KLIA - voted the best airport in the world 3 years in a row...
Taking the KLIA shuttle
Journey continues..Sydney-Malaysia
Whew!! What a relief that we found each other on board Malaysia Airlines bound for KL (can u guess what that stands for? quiz buddies!!). Experience on Malaysia Airlines or what they prefer to be referred to MH (nothing to do with MHCC) - its Malaysian Hospitality and its the tag that carries the pinnacle of their tourism promotion. We were constantly fed on the flight and had a great entertainment programme. Experienced indigestion as a result. Getting off KL and into immigration was smooth sailing - no delays at all. We were just so impressed with KL International Airport, the organisation of key processes of the airport was just super perfect which explains why they have been voted 3 years in a row as the "best airport in the world". Finally got a pic here - check out Louise sitting in the shuttle within KL Airport taking us to the immigration area.
Mauritius - The journey begins.... (Nausori-Nadi-Sydney)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
More feedback coming in
Resource 3: Essay Writing and Report Writing
Resource 5: Reading and Notetaking
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Repurposing of the Content
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Content Analysis of OIL
Success@USP Presentation
Monday, August 25, 2008
OER web search
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
2nd meeting with review team
Standalone/self-paced study skills modules that can be linked in with online courses
Facilitated study skills modules that can be done fully online or in blended format (f2f & online)
During this meeting, there was discussion about the suitability of the openlearn modules for our repurposing project. The review group were of the opinion that we was not appropriate and that we may consider looking at other OER sites.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Content Analysis of Openlearn materials
Monday, July 28, 2008
Content outline submitted to SideCAP group
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Feedback sought from review group
Monday, June 30, 2008
All the meetings that we had between us
30/06/08, DFL Meeting Room 10am-12pm
7/7/08, E-Learning Lab 10am-12pm
15/7/08, E-Learning Lab 10am-12pm
21/8/08, E-Learning Lab 11am-1pm
Thursday, June 5, 2008
USP Background presenation uploaded
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Travel arrangements begin
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Review group setup & first meeting
Monday, May 26, 2008
Uploading photos to project website
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Meeting up with Val Clifford
Hansel and Gretel find their way home

On Friday afternoon, after sight-seeing and soaking up the cold London air, we trudged back home and :) lost our bearings. We walked around in circles for approximately half an hour. On one of those return trips, we discovered to our amazement, the shawl that I had been wearing on one of the fences.
Imagine our laughter when we discovered the 'find'.Talk about the Hansel and Gretel experience, leaving behind crumbs so that they could find their way back home! It just needed to be photographed as a reminder of that experience!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Namastey London!!

Couldn't resist the title being that it is one of my favourite Bollywood movies of 2007. Namastey London is a must see starring two of Bollywood's hottest actors at present; Akshay Kumar & Katrina Kaif. Check out the pics of our tour. Can you recognise the landmarks? By the way, the photos were taken under very cold conditions but we managed!!
Waiting for our ride to London
We took a taxi to Milton Keynes Central to catch the train but anticipated a delay given the current spate of delays being experienced on the Milton Keynes route. When our train finally came through at 11.23am, it was a full one. It wasn't a pleasant experience for me having to stand all the way to Euston train station in London with my heavy luggage. I guess the train shuttle is not designed for heavy laden travellers such as myself! Because we had a lot of luggage we opted to take a taxi to our hotel in Victoria; The Weindermere Hotel. This is not advisable to do given the hefty taxi fare price but given our circumstances we opted to do this.

As soon as we arrived, we dumped our bags in our room and

Farewell Stony Stratford

On Friday, 16th May, we bade farewell to the cosy little town of Stony Stratford and headed off to Milton Keynes central to catch the train to Central London. Here are some of our memories of Stony Stratford!
Farewell lunch @ the Ye Olde Swan, Woughton
We had our farewell lunch at the Ye Olde Swan and marking the end of our official engagements in as far as the kick-off meeting in the UK was concerned. Following that we were all dropped off at our respective hotels. Check out our OU minibus that was our main mode of transport throughout the course of the meeting. Many thanks & appreciation to our driver, Frank.
Project Key Dates
- Content outline & list of OER materials to be used - by 1 August 2008
- Ist draft of repurposed material - by early/mid November 2008
Moodle @ OU
Some of the customized features are as follows:
- Combined study calendar for students across all courses that they are enrolled in
- Assessment information outlined outright on the homepage as per preference expressed by OU learners.
- EAssessment - a mention of an open-source plug-in for Math Symbols called Open Mark which is Java based.
- Reflective Assessment Rubric- this rubric is designed for reflective assessment. We would get a sample of this from Robin Mason.
- Blog module - This is quite a recent addition i.e. blogs has been integrated as a module rather than a separate entity under user profile as is the case in the current version. It is possible to create group blogs and this comes with RSS feed function and commenting facility.
- Wiki - OU has recognised the user-unfriendliness of the wiki tool in the current version. Changes have been made accordingly; lock feature - before/after certain date, online comments, list of user contributions, RSS/Atom feeds of changes and a wiki reporting tool
- HTML Editor - OU has indicated that the current HTML editor is insufficient for their use and it is working on having Tiny MCE to be built into the HTML editor.
- Web Conferencing tool - OU has embarked on a huge project with Elluminate to integrate this into their Moodle system
- LAMS - On recollection of the discussions to explore the use of LAMS (Learning Activity Management System) here at USP, I inquired if the OU was using it and what their experience with it was. We were then informed that currently LAMS was not integrated into their system. The interesting observation about LAMS shared by Niall was that it did not perform as required, rather it was found to overlap the Moodle system and it did not remain a separate module in the whole Moodle setup.
Support Offered: Niall indicated that we could contact him if we were interested in using any of the above features.
Day 4 @ OU
This is a brief summary of each of our focus:
- USP - Study Skills
- UM - Research Methods
- UWI - Instructional Design
- A repurposed course (80% reused, 20% new)
- A Manual on How to Repurpose Materials which would be sourced from documented processes & "best practices" experienced by participants throughout the whole repurposing exercise.
A video post
this on our walk in the OU. Tell me what you think.
Walking along the OU trim trail
After a hefty lunch at the Beale Suite, Frank Rennie from UHI suggested that we take a walk. We took a walk along OU's trim trail. Check out the scenery!
Lunch @ the Beale Suite

After our morning session, we were treated to lunch at the OU Beale Suite. Nice & classy eatery by the way!
Presentation by OpenLearn Director
Day 3 back in OU
Covered Market

Pics from our tour of the covered market selling both cheap and expensive items.
Val Clifford and Marten buying fish for dinner.
Oxford University Press Bookshop
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Dou Bula!
Strolling along the pedestrian walk in
At leisure in Oxford
Online communication for Sidecappers
Darling Buds of May
A sight for sore eyes! This is what you would probably see in the TV comedy series, The Darling Buds of May starring Catherine Zeta Jones or All Creatures Great and Small (not one of my favourites)