I came across this last year for the first time and added my vote to whoever I thought was deserving of the award although I am fully aware of the so many excellent ones out there but I am limited to only those I use on a regular basis and of course those that have impacted on me as a person in the learning & teaching spectrum extending to those that I have shared these resources to in my context - the South Pacific region; within my institution, University of the South Pacific and educators at large in the region. This has greatly impacted the enhancement of the dissemination of knowledge and skills that has much to do with enabling a developing region like the South Pacific to achieve its targets in as far as the UN Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) are concerned.
Here goes:
Best Individual Blog: The Ed Techie, Professor Martin Weller,Open University, UK.
Best Individual Twitter: mweller
Best Resource Sharing Blog: "Jane's Pick of the Day", Jane Hart, Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies
Best New Blog: COL Blog, Commonwealth of Learning Blog
Lifetime Achievement: Jane Hart, Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies