Friday, November 20, 2009

UWI Presentation - Day 2

Day 2 we got busy with our presentation on USP's preparations for the final dissemination event. Everyone were quite pleased with the way it has been organised and are all looking forward to this.
There were several amendments to be made as follows:
  1. For the programme - amend Friday session (12/2/10) from a summary presentation to USP community to a panel discussion
  2. Typos to be corrected re:website; reference to Lews Castle College

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Timeframe for writing up book chapters

Here is what the project agreed upon as per the completion of a book as one of the outputs of the project.

  1. Case studies to Frank by end Nov, 09
  2. Frank to circulate to all
  3. Analysis chapters by approx. 14 Dec, 09
  4. Initial draft by 11 Jan, 2010 to all
  5. Feedback and accuracy by 18 Jan, 2010
  6. Aim to send to “publisher” by 21 Jan, 2010
  7. Copies available by 8 Feb, 2010 in Fiji
  8. Post-final event – submit to athabasca for publishing as an e-book.

UWI Workshop - Day 1

Today, Louise and I ventured onto UWI Mona Campus for Day 1 of our workshop. It was an opportunity to know more about UWI and also to touch base on what has been done from each of the project partners. Here, in the pic shows Louise and I presenting on USP and specifically our progress on the project. Day 2 beckons tomorrow.

Monday, November 9, 2009

UWI Meeting Action Points

As we prepare for the next leg of the project we recognised a need to record the action points we needed to deal with at our Jamaica meeting. They are as follows:

  • Sustainability aspect of the project: to embed the OER resource page embedded into the institutional library portals; sharing of courses developed on this project;
  • Research Network: the establishment of the ACP partners network;
  • Informing team about their part in the finale event programme;
  • Final reports for project.